> Destinations > Aruba > General Information
Capital: Oranjestad
Climate: Aruba has an average daily temperature of 82° F. The temperature varies from day to night, and from summer to winter, by only about 3-6° F. Average rainfall in Aruba is less than 20 inches per year, with the majority of showers occurring during November and December. Aruba is not in the hurricane belt.
Yahoo weather forecast for Aruba.
Currency: The official currency is the Aruba florin. US Dollars, travelers checks and credit cards widely accepted. Need exchange rates? Try our currency converter.
There are ATMs that will take your international cards and dispense cash in many locations near shopping and hotels.
Electricity: 110 volt/60 cycle, suitable for North American appliances.
Official Language: Dutch. The Papiamento dialect is widely spoken, as are English and Spanish.
Political Status: Autonomous member of the Netherlands.
Population: Approximately 69,000.
Time: Eastern Standard Time from October to April, i.e. same time zone as the US East
coast. Aruba does not operate Daylight-Saving Time.